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Chessie Breed Database

Mate Search

Use this form to find dogs that have specific results to genetic tests.
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Begin by selecting options.
M   F

Include dogs born no earlier than the selected number of years

Choose the genetic test(s) with specific result(s) to include in search
PRA:     Normal   Carrier

DM:      Normal   Carrier

LOC (longcoat):      Normal   Carrier

We include dogs in our database that are Clear by Parentage (CBP) for a genetic disease. This is limited to the first generation, meaning the CBP designation must have parents that were actually tested. Many breeders use CBP for several generations but genes mutate. The search results will not include some very desirable dogs that would otherwise be in the list if individually tested. It is suggested that breeders test and submit results if you have a dog at stud or a brood bitch.

Software developed by George Makatura. ©2018.